*Editor's note: Ord. No. 78-22, §§ 1, 2, adopted April 19, 1978, specifically amended the Code by repealing former ch. 24, §§ 24-1--24-24, and enacting in lieu thereof new ch. 24, §§ 24-1--24-11, as herein set out. Former ch. 24 pertained to the same subject matter, and had been derived from Ord. No. 73-6, §§ 1--23, 25, adopted Aug. 29, 1973.
Noise control, as promulgated by Ord. No. 75-9, was the responsibility of the environmental quality control board, which was abolished by Ord. No. 90-49, pursuant to § 8.17 of the Charter, with its functions being taken over by the county. All references in this chapter to the EQCB have been changed to "county."
Ord. No. 90-49 also specified that the duties of the former pollution control officer be taken over by the director of the office of natural resource protection, which office has been superseded by the Department of Planning and Environmental Protection. The editor has, therefore, added a definition of "director" as § 24-3(1); and that term is used in place of the former PCO.
Cross references: Sounding of railroad train horns and whistles, § 21-12; maximum sound level standards for vessels on county waters, § 21-16; noise pollution, § 27-231 et seq.


Sec. 24-1. Short title.
This chapter may be cited as the "Noise Control Ordinance of Broward County."
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78)

Sec. 24-2. Declaration of findings and policy; scope.
(a)     Declaration of Findings and Policy. The board of county commissioners of Broward County finds and determines that excessive sound is a serious hazard to the public health and welfare, safety and quality of lives; and, that a substantial body of science and technology exists by which excessive sound may be substantially abated; and, that the people have a right to and should be insured an environment free from excessive sound that may jeopardize their health or welfare or safety or degrade the quality of life. Therefore, it is the policy of Broward County to prevent excessive sound which may jeopardize the health and welfare or safety of its citizens or degrade the quality of life.
(b)     Scope. This chapter shall apply to Broward County.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78)

Sec. 24-3. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise clearly indicates, the words and phrases used are defined as follows:
(1)     Director means the director of the Department of Planning and Environmental Protection.
(2)     Noise means any sound which annoys or disturbs humans, or which causes or tends to cause an adverse psychological or physiological effect on humans.
(3)     Noise disturbance means any sound which:
(a)     Endangers or injures the safety or health of humans or animals; or
(b)     Exceeds the limits set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated by the county pursuant to this chapter; or
(c)     Endangers or injures personal or real property.
(4)     Person means any natural person, individual, public or private corporation, firm, association, joint venture, partnership, municipality, governmental agency, political subdivision, public officer, or any other entity whatsoever or any combination of such, jointly or severally.
(5)     Rules and regulations means the rules and regulations adopted by the county pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(6)     Sound means an oscillation in pressure, particle displacement, particle velocity or other physical parameter, in a medium with internal forces that causes compression and rarefaction of that medium. The description of sound may include any characteristic of such sound, including duration, intensity and frequency.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78; Ord. No. 78-37, § 1, 8-16-78; Ord. No. 1999-55, § 1, 10-12-99)

Sec. 24-4. Prohibited acts.
(a)     Noise Disturbance. No person shall make, continue or cause to be made or continued any noise disturbance. The making of noise in violation of this chapter shall constitute prima facie evidence of a noise disturbance.
(b)     Tampering. Unless authorized to do so by the director, no person shall remove or render inoperative or inaccurate any sound monitoring instrument or device positioned by or for the director, provided such device or the immediate area is clearly labeled to warn of potential illegality.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78)

Sec. 24-5. Powers and duties.
In order to implement this chapter and for the general purpose of noise abatement and control, the county shall have, in addition to any other authority vested in it by law, the power to:
(1)     Promulgate and adopt, and revise and amend from time to time, following public notice and hearing, appropriate rules and regulations reasonably necessary for the implementation and effective enforcement, administration and interpretation of the provisions of this chapter, and to provide for the effective and continuing control and regulation of noise disturbance in Broward County within the framework of this chapter. Such rules and regulations may include, but shall not be limited to, regulations which:
(a)     Establish by quantitative performance standards maximum allowable sound emission levels according to classification of land use and maximum allowable sound emission levels for the use and operation of any product or device.
(b)     Establish time periods during which emissions in excess of established sound levels shall not be permitted in designated areas.
(c)     Provide for the regulation of potential sources of noise through the issuance, suspension and revocation of permits and the posting of bonds in connection therewith.
(d)     Designate noise sensitive zones which contain noise sensitive activities for the purpose of insuring exceptional quiet. Noise sensitive activities include, but are not limited to, operations of schools, libraries open to the public, churches, hospitals and nursing homes.
A rule or regulation adopted by the EQCB pursuant to this chapter shall be submitted to each member of the board of county commissioners, with copies to the county administrator and general counsel, at least thirty (30) days prior to such rule or regulation becoming effective. If, during that thirty-day period, no objection to the terms of such rule or regulation is posed by a commissioner in writing to the county administrator, with a copy to the EQCB, then such rule or regulation shall become effective without amendment. However, if such a specific objection is posed by a commissioner within the thirty-day objection period, then such rule or regulation shall not become effective until approved, or approved as amended, by a majority of the board of county commissioners voting at a public hearing scheduled by the county administrator and held within fifteen (15) days of the end of the thirty-day objection period.*

*Editor's note: This procedure would no longer be necessary since the EQCB has been abolished and its duties taken over by the board of county commissioners.

(2)     Conduct or cause to be conducted research monitoring or other studies related to noise abatement and control in Broward County.
(3)     Cooperate to the extent practicable with all appropriate state and federal agencies, and with other agencies of Broward County and agencies of other counties and municipalities in this state in the interest of noise abatement and control.
(4)     Develop a long-term plan for achieving a reduction of noise in Broward County.
(5)     Enter into contracts for the provision of technical and enforcement services.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78)

Sec. 24-6. Powers and duties of the director.
In order to administer this chapter and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, the director shall have, in addition to any other authority vested in him by law, the power to:
(1)     Enforce the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.
(2)     Enter and inspect any private property or place, and inspect any report or records at any reasonable time when granted permission by the owner or by some other person with apparent authority to act for the owner. When permission is refused or cannot be obtained, a search warrant may be obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction upon showing of probable cause to believe that a violation of this chapter or of the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder may exist. Such inspection may include the administration of any necessary tests.
(3)     Require the owner or operator of any commercial or industrial activity to establish and maintain records and make such reports as the director may reasonably prescribe after notice of violation issued pursuant to this chapter or the rules or regulations promulgated hereunder.
(4)     Require the owner or operator of any commercial or industrial activity to measure the sound level of its activity in accordance with the methods and procedures and at such locations and times as the director may reasonably prescribe after notice of violation issued pursuant to this chapter or the rules or regulations promulgated hereunder, and to furnish reports of the results of such measurements to the director. The director may require the measurements to be conducted in the presence of his enforcement personnel.
(5)     Make surveys and tests to determine whether the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder are being complied with, and whether noise is being effectively abated and controlled throughout Broward County.
(6)     Render technical and other assistance to persons operating equipment or devices performing activities which emit sound so as to aid in the voluntary reduction of the level of such sound emissions.
(7)     Establish, operate and maintain a continuous program to monitor sound emission in Broward County.
(8)     Publish and disseminate information to the public concerning noise and recommend methods for reducing noise in Broward County.
(9)     Make periodic reports concerning the status of noise throughout Broward County and the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. Such reports shall be filed with the board of county commissioners of Broward County.
(10)     Coordinate his administration and enforcement efforts with appropriate officials of the state and federal government, and with other officials of Broward County and other counties and municipalities in this state in the interest of noise abatement and control. Specifically, the director shall consult with the director of the Broward County Division of Aviation to recommend changes in aircraft operations to minimize any noise disturbance which the director may have authority to control.
(11)     Make recommendations to the board of county commissioners for modifications or amendments to the rules and regulations promulgated under this chapter.
(12)     Administer noise program grants and other funds and gifts from public and private sources, including the state and federal governments.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78)

Sec. 24-7. Exceptions.
The provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder shall not apply to:
(1)     Noise generated for the purpose of alerting persons to the existence of an emergency or noise generated in the performance of emergency activities. For the purpose of this section, "emergency" means any occurrence or set of circumstances involving actual or eminent harm to any person or property or injury to the public health or safety which demands immediate preventative or remedial action, and "emergency activities" means any action performed for the purpose of preventing or alleviating the harm or injury threatened or caused by an emergency.
(2)     Any noise generated by any noncommercial public speaking and public assembly activities conducted on any public space or public right-of-way pursuant to lawful authority.
(3)     Any noise generated by the movement of aircraft in accordance with or pursuant to applicable federal laws or regulations.
(4)     Any noise generated by new products or interstate motor and rail carrier vehicles to the extent that local regulation of the noise levels of such new products and interstate motor and rail carrier vehicles has been preempted by the Noise Control Act of 1972 (49 U.S.C., sections 4901 et seq.), or other applicable federal laws or regulations.
(5)     Any noise generated by the operation of engines, generators, pumps, construction tools, or other equipment for emergency use.
(6)     Any noise generated by the operation of vessels on any waterways in Broward County, Florida [see section 21-16].
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78; Ord. No. 80-107, §§ 1, 2, 11-19-80; Ord. No. 87-6, § 1, 3-10-87)

Sec. 24-8. Variances.
(a)     Regular Variances. The county shall have the authority consistent with this section to grant regular variances from the requirements of this chapter and from the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.
(1)     Regular variances may be granted upon application by any person for any one of the following reasons:
a.     There exists no practicable means for the adequate control or abatement of the noise involved;
b.     Compliance with this chapter or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder will necessitate the taking of measures which, because of their extent or cost, must be extended over a period of time. A variance granted for this reason shall prescribe a timetable for the taking of the measures required.
c.     Compliance with this chapter or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder will result in an unreasonable hardship to the applicant, the community or other persons.
(2)     The county, or its duly designated hearing officer, shall hold a public hearing on each application for a regular variance. Such hearings shall be conducted according to hearing procedures established by regulation adopted by the county. Following the public hearing on an application for a regular variance, the county shall adopt an order granting or denying the variance.
(3)     Notice of the date, time and place of a hearing of the county on an application for a regular variance shall be published at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, at the applicant's expense. Any individual who claims to be adversely affected by the application may file a statement with the county containing any information in support of his claim, and appear and be heard at the public hearing.
(b)     Emergency Variances. The county shall have the authority consistent with this section to grant emergency variances from the requirements of this chapter and from the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, whenever the county finds that delay in granting a variance will result in irreparable harm to the applicant, the community or other persons.
(1)     Emergency variances may be granted upon application by any person for any of the reasons enumerated in section 24-8(a)(1) above.
(2)     Emergency variances may be granted without giving notice as required by section 24-8(a)(3) above, provided the county waives such notice requirements by unanimous vote.
(c)     Appeals. Appeals of an adverse decision of the county on an application for a variance shall be made by appropriate proceedings to a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78; Ord. No. 78-37, § 2, 8-26-78)

Sec. 24-9. Violations.
(a)     Whenever evidence has been obtained or received establishing that a violation of this chapter or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder has been committed, the director shall issue a notice to correct the violation or a citation to cease the violation and cause the same to be served upon the violator by personal service or certified mail, or by posting a copy in a conspicuous place on the premises of the facility causing the violation. Such notice or citation shall briefly set forth the general nature of the violation and specify a reasonable time within which the violation shall be rectified or stopped, commensurate with the circumstances. If the violation is not corrected within the time so specified or the violation stopped or reasonable steps taken to rectify the violation, the director shall have the power and authority to issue an order requiring the violator to cease or suspend operation of the activity causing the violation until the violation has been corrected, or the director, with the approval of the county, may institute action to compel compliance with the provisions of such notice or citation, or initiate proceedings to prosecute the violator for violation of this chapter, or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder.
(b)     In the event a violation of this chapter or the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder creates an immediate health hazard, or threatens or causes irreparable injury or damage to persons or property, the director shall have the power and authority to order immediate cessation of the activities causing such conditions. The director shall cause the order to be served upon the violator by personal service or, if no one can be found on the premises, by certified mail or by posting a copy in a conspicuous place on the premises of the facility causing the violation. Any person receiving such an emergency order for cessation of activities shall immediately comply with the requirements thereof.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78)

Sec. 24-10. Penalty.
Violation of the provisions of this chapter, or any rule or regulation promulgated hereunder, shall be punishable as provided by law for the violation of a county ordinance.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78; Ord. No. 78-37, § 3, 8-16-78)

Sec. 24-11. Retention of other remedies.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to impair any cause of action or legal remedy of any person or the public for any injury or damage arising from the emission or release into the atmosphere from any source whatever of noise in such place or manner, or at such levels so as to constitute a common law nuisance.
(Ord. No. 78-22, § 2, 4-19-78; Ord. No. 78-37, § 4, 8-16-78)